A fusion of creativity and dreams of far away lands.
Lesley McDougall is one very talented lady, she owns a gorgeous little shop called Mehndi Glass and creates unique hand painted glassware and glass art inspired by the ancient art of Mehndi.Leslie describes herself and her work:
Hi, my name is Lesley McDougall, and I am the artist behind Mehndi Glass.
Born and raised in Manchester, England, I’ve lived in Canada for over 16 years and it’s here that I’ve really spent time developing my artistic talents through a whole host of endeavors, including (to name just a few!) quilting, wire art, decoupage, acrylic, watercolor and drawing. I was introduced to glass painting in my teens and it’s always been the medium I have returned to.
I love to explore other cultures through art and have long had an interest in Indian lifestyle, the food the architecture, the stunning and gloriously colored silken saris and intricate and elaborate henna designs. Like me, the traditional Mehndi art form is unconventional and free spirited. It's the kind of art form that lets your creativity run wild. The fluidity of the paint and its stained glass effects make it beautiful to work with, and provide stunning shadow play on a sunny day! When I started to sell my glassware locally for wedding and anniversary gifts, the reaction was really positive and encouraging and prompted me to launch a website and join the Etsy community.
Whether it's a customer looking for a unique gift, or working directly with a bride to create something beautiful for their wedding day, designing, experimenting and painting on a daily basis scratches my ever present itch to be creative, and it's fulfilling to know that that each piece is an original made with heart, soul and good intention.
Art is a journey and whilst I am continuously studying the designs and traditions of Mehndi, I often dabble in other mediums to challenge myself and see where it can go?
I’m a busy stay-at-home mom, runner, professional daydreamer and kitchen table entrepreneur. After living in several Canadian provinces and spending a stint in Bermuda, I currently live and work from my little "Lost Villages" home in Long Sault, Ontario, by the calm waters of the St Lawrence River. Visit Mehndi Glass at http://www.etsy.com/shop/MehndiGlass
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